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We are always on the lookout for volun-cheerleaders! If you are passionate about getting involved in the community, we'd love to hear from you! No prior cheerleading or dance experience is necessary; all skill levels are welcome.

What does it take to be a Cheer Seattle Volunteer?

We are a group of adult cheerleaders who are just as passionate about fundraising and helping our community as we are about flying through the air and entertaining a crowd. Our team consists of three squads: Sapphire, Emerald, and Diamond. Regardless of which squad they're on, all of our volunteers sport Cheer Seattle uniforms, attend local events, and fundraise. No prior experience is required (really!) but stamina, adaptability, a positive attitude, and an ability to repeatedly count to 8 will prove very useful. 


Cheer Squad Volunteers stunt, flip, jump, dance, and cheer while fundraising for charities in and beyond our local community.


Pom Squad Volunteers dance, kick, leap, and turn while fundraising for charities in and beyond our local community. 


Production Squad Volunteers serve supportive roles behind performances, fundraisers, collaborative projects, and more. 

Diamond has open practices coming up soon! No experience necessary. No pressure, just come see if this is your thing :)
Emerald and Sapphire's rosters are closed. Open practices for our performance teams next season will begin in August.



Open practices are held every August and our season runs from September until the end of July. If you missed open practices and have an interest in joining our production team (Diamond Squad), please email us at

Join Us!

How did you hear about Cheer Seattle?

​Thanks for your interest in our team!

Subscribe to our newsletter for updates on open enrollment across all three of our squads!

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